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Spay / Neuter Vouchers


Spay/Neuter vouchers are available for purchase. Call the shelter for prices related this is, as it is based on the weight of your pet. We do not currently have any free vouchers.


It costs a quite bit of money to spay or neuter your pet, but it's cheaper than paying for the inevitable offspring. There is never a guarantee that vouchers will be available at any particular time.


When vouchers are available, pet owners still must pay a co-pay. The co-pay for a voucher varies with the size/type of pet.


There are no vouchers available for stray or feral cats.  Vouchers cover only a basic spay/neuter service.  Additional charges for animals in-heat, pregnant, or experiencing any non-traditional issues will be the pet owners responsibility.


Please understand that the shelter must pay the veterinarian for the service, which can cost up to $250, regardless of your co-pay.


To receive a voucher, you must come to the shelter, fill out a voucher form and pay your copay.

Please call ahead to determine if you qualify for any of the vouchers currently available.



The voucher program changes continually. There is never a guarantee that we will be able to offer a voucher.

Pet SOS!

Emergency services are sometimes available to low-income families in crisis.

We are able to provide a small amount of food once per month.


Other services are available as funding permits.

Please ask staff about our Pet SOS program

if you are in need of emergency pet assistance.


We cannot provide money to pay for food, veterinary care or toys.

We also cannot board your pet.


If you feel that you must relinquish your pet due to financial problems,

please give us a call or come by to speak with us about

other options you may have.


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With your pet adoption, we will provide a microchip for your pet

with services provided by 24 Hour PetWatch.


A microchip allows any shelter or animal control officer to scan your pet.

If your pet has a microchip implant, the shelter or ACO will be able to access the information and contact you, allowing them to safely and quickly return your pet.


This is so effective that when we get microchipped pets returned to the shelter, we often contact the owner before they have even noticed their pet is missing!


Microchips are tiny and will not cause your pet any discomfort.


If you own a pet that is not from our shelter, that you would like to have microchipped,

we offer microchipping services for $25 per pet/microchip.


 Bring your pet in during our open to the public hours, no appointment necessary!

Follow us on Facebook to get the latest news and promos, including when we have our Microchipping Events & Clinics. These events & clinics are done at businesses around town, or at the shelter, and sometimes microchips are offered at discounted price.


Lost & Found

If you believe that we have your lost pet, call CTSAC between 8 am & 5:30 pm and we will discuss the process/fees to reclaim.

If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message and we will return your phone call. Please note our "open" hours are 1-5:30 so there may not be a staff available to answer your call prior to that time.


The shelter staff will fill out a Lost Pet form for you, so that we can monitor pets coming in and call you if yours shows up.

CTSAC has a small staff caring for about 100 animals, we do everything we can to watch for your lost pet as we take in animals.

Even after calling in a lost report, we recommend that you monitor our Facebook page and other

lost pet social media pages daily, to try to spot your pet!

* We are not REQUIRED to post animals brought into the shelter. We do this as a courtesy and may not be able to do this for every animal brought in. It is best if you are missing your pet to contact us*


Also go to our Facebook page to see our pets available for adoption. 


There is a THREE-DAY stray hold on all animals that enter our shelter as strays.

Owner surrenders are available for adoption/rescue immediately.


If you see a dog/cat on stray hold that you are interested in adopting, you must come to the shelter

during normal business hours to PRE-ADOPT.

This DOES NOT GUARANTEE that you will be able to adopt this stray, as the owner has 3 days to reclaim.



*** First person to complete the appropriate steps, will be the first one eligible to adopt the dog/cat after released from stray hold.
**Facebook comments do not count
**Medical cases are subject to IMMEDIATE rescue regardless of stray hold.



ADOPTION FEE is $90 for Dogs and $65 for cats. Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, vaccinations and microchip.


We have lots of animals and cannot guarantee that we will find yours.

Stray animals brought into our shelter are held for 72 hours before being put up for adoption (stray hold).

All animals that come in to the shelter are scanned for microchips.


Don't forget that you can post your lost pet on Facebook and other social media.


If you have found an animal or see an animal on the streets, please contact Animal Control at 325-646-2525


If you have found a pet and would like to keep it, we encourage you to call us so we can fill out a Found Pet form.

This allows us to help owners looking for their lost pet to have a chance to be reunited.

We also ask that you bring the pet in for us to do a microchip scan.


Bringing to us or emailing a picture of your lost pet also helps us to have a better chance of identifying it quickly and accurately. At the end of a long day, ten border collies look pretty similar to us. If there is something unique about your lost pet, please let us know.


©2020 by Corinne T Smith Animal Center. Proudly created with

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