Corinne T. Smith Animal Center
3016 Milam Drive
Brownwood, Texas 76801
Lost and Found
Lost A Pet?
If you haven't already, check our Facebook Page where we post all pets that have been brought to the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center. Although animals are posted shortly after they are brought in, do not rely entirely on the Facebook page.
If you have a photo of your pet, you can upload it by clicking on the link below, which will take you to Finding Rover, a facial recognition site that will search photos of the animals at the Corinne T. Smith Animal Center.
​Additional Steps you can take
Post on NextDoor App
Post your lost pets on the following Facebook pages:
Create lost pet alerts which are shared to Facebook and sent to local shelters by email, notifying them of your lost pet or an animal you found. You can also create flyers to post.
Found a Pet?
Bring by the shelter or a vet clinic to have scanned for a microchip during regular business hours.
Post the found pet on the following Facebook pages: